You are the one that's full of bullshit. If people flock to Trump's rallies, it's NOT because they support his policies -- most of them have no idea what those policies are. Do they want a degraded environment? To ignore climate change? To eliminate health care? To privatize education? To make the rich a whole lot richer? To give Russia carte blanche when it comes to its despotic actions? Do they want a president who's entirely a-ethical -- that means he would know what ethics were if he fell over them in the dark. Who abuses people, who blames people, who ignores the welfare of people as he's done during the pandemic. "No, I'm on a podium, I'm not scared of getting sick. And who the hell cares about the rest of you. NOT ME!!! Go ahead, vote for Trump -- but not because there's an iota of justification for doing it -- mentally, ethically, morally.