America let the world down yesterday…
Actually it let itself down and everything it stands for. Or has stood for. Freedom, equality, rule of law, hope. Trump’s victory is a victory for racism, misogny, meaness, isolationism, lies, cheating, cruelty, guns, disrespect, totalitarianism.
I fear for our country. What kids will learn in school. Or not learn. What they may learn about values: that buffoonery and lies and money are more important than compassion and understanding.
I fear for our allies. For Ukraine that has battled so bravely and defiantly for its freedom and independence and will now be abandoned to the Russian wolves. To Israel that has wandered rudderless under a selfish, self-serving leader (much like Trump) whose strategy of self-preervation and self-enrichment and corruption is now vindicated. To all the countries who will get the message that we don’t live in one world that desperately needs to put aside differences and pull together, at this time of climate crisis, to find global solutions to shared problems. Now they are being informed we should each battle for ourselves ignoring science and Nature and humanity.
I fear for ourselves who truly care about the future. Our future and our grandchildren’s future — those who aren’t old enough to vote. And those who are. What sort of painful future they have to look forward to and to experience. And what resources will or won’t be available to them.
I fear for the animals, birds, plants, and everything alive on the planet that deserves our care and concern but who will be neglected amid the obsession with golf courses, yachts, gold-plated silverware and god knows what else.
I fear for the young women who are in the midst of a miscarriage and who rush to the hospital seeking help (as I did decades ago) but who nowadays may not get the help they need. And could suffer or die as a result.
I have to put aside my fears. And my sadness about the country I live in. My country. I’m in travel today. And I’m just happy I’m not traveling through a red state where people are brandishing their weapons and yelling out with glee. “We’ve won! We’ve won! We’ve won!” But what have they won? What kind of country? What kind of world?
I shudder to imagine….